Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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ленчение хронического гайморита

After carrying out of operation and removal{distance} of tampons carrying out of a toilet of a cavity of a nose not less than 1 time day within a week which the ЛОР-DOCTOR of a hospital or a polyclinic should carry out{spend} is obligatory. In the conclusion, I want to note, that it is better to lead{carry out} operative treatment which will borrow{occupy} no more than weeks, than to feel infringement носового breath and his{its} consequence during all life. Подробнее...

I shall especially note, that at inhalations кортикостероидов the medicinal substance should reach{achieve} not only a mucous cavity of a nose, but also have the an effect in bosoms. For this purpose the natural ways connecting a cavity of a nose with bosoms that is provided only after эндоскопического removals{distances} of polyps should be well passable. Подробнее...