гайморит лечение прогревание
As I have already noted, аденоиды is an anatomy, that is it that "has grown" and has the volume and the form. Imagine яблоню on which during a crop apples have grown, and each of them has the certain form inherent only in it{him} and the size. After apples grow, irrespective of the fact how and than you will water this tree, - the size of fruits remain former, unless only can increase. Therefore, if at the child grow аденоиды, any drops it is impossible to force to change them the structure. Подробнее...
For today, there is one effective method of treatment аденоидов, it is operation. Аденотомия (removal{distance} аденоидов), it should be carried out as soon as possible from the moment of installation of the diagnosis. However, operation should be carried out{be spent} only at presence of indications. Подробнее...