лечение при гайморите
So, as it is already marked, верхнечелюстная the bosom is about a nose, therefore she{it} and refers to - околоносовая (additional). In figure the arrangement of all additional bosoms, including and гайморовых on the right is shown. Apparently, the last settle down sideways from an external nose. The input{entrance} in bosoms settles down in a cavity of a nose, on its{her} lateral walls. All cavity of a bosom is covered by a mucous membrane which together with other anatomic structures carries out drainage function. We shall explain that this such. In norm, at the person in all additional bosoms slime which absorbing in itself of microbes and particles firm and bodies leaves from a bosom in a cavity of a nose is developed. This process by is provided that the mucous membrane incorporates cells{cages}, so-called vibrating эпителия. These cells{cages} create a direct current of a liquid from a bosom outside. And the aperture connecting a bosom with a cavity of a nose, is located in the top department гайморовой bosoms, therefore, well working mechanism of allocation of slime is necessary for normal outflow of slime. This process is reflected in figure on the right where green arrows{pointers} show a current of slime from гайморовой bosoms in a cavity of a nose. On the other hand the aperture from гайморовой bosoms is covered with a mucous membrane, therefore, in case of a hypostasis of last, the aperture is sharply narrowed, that considerably complicates outflow of slime. These processes work for the healthy person well and the reasons for occurrence of an antritis at him{it} are not present. But at presence of the sharp inflammatory process occuring on a mucous cavity of a nose, the hypostasis from a cavity of a nose is distributed mucous apertures and гайморовой bosoms. The mucous membrane набухает and a gleam conducting{leading} from a bosom in a cavity of a nose gradually is closed. This mechanism is well reflected in figure on the right. It is visible, that mucous гайморовой bosoms (brightly pink) it is increased in volume. The circle allocates an aperture from гайморовой bosoms into a cavity of a nose. If to compare this formation{education} to the previous figure it is well visible, that owing to a hypostasis mucous, соустье (мед.термин, designating an aperture) it is sharply narrowed and practically has no message with a cavity of a nose. In such conditions in гайморовой to a bosom changes begin: in a bosom air, and consequently - oxygen which is necessary for normal work of a mucous membrane does not act; pressure which is the reason of painful sensations at the patient accrues; in a bosom the operating time of slime which, owing to infringement of outflow, stands in a bosom proceeds and gradually gets inflammatory character. It is reflected in figure on the right where the slime which has accumulated in a bosom - is well visible to it{her} not where to disappear! Slime of such character carries is named экссудат. It{He} is the fine environment for introduction new and developments of already available bacteria and viruses. They develop so-called toxins - products of ability to live which being soaked up in blood cause in an organism such symptoms as an indisposition, a headache, decrease{reduction} in appetite, rise in temperature of a body and др.ие Gradually slime turns to pus which has a viscous consistence and is very badly evacuated from a bosom, even at normal work соустья. This condition is shown in figure on the right. It is visible, that a mucous membrane sharply набухает while соустье does not work. By virtue of that duplication of bacteria proceeds, and they again and again develop toxins, - pus becomes much more. Gradually it{he} can fill in all bosom. If till this moment adequate treatment purulent separated can break in surrounding structures is not carried out{not spent}. First of all fabrics of an eye react - there is gradually increasing hypostasis a century, they redden, it can be marked выпячивание an eyeball forward - экзофтальм. Purulent process can destroy walls гайморовой bosoms and penetrate into a bone fabric. The inflammation of a bone of the top jaw - an osteomyelitis develops. Now, due to development of medicine, such conditions meet seldom, and at duly treatment do not represent. Подробнее...
After carrying out of operation and removal{distance} of tampons carrying out of a toilet of a cavity of a nose not less than 1 time day within a week which the ЛОР-DOCTOR of a hospital or a polyclinic should carry out{spend} is obligatory. In the conclusion, I want to note, that it is better to lead{carry out} operative treatment which will borrow{occupy} no more than weeks, than to feel infringement носового breath and his{its} consequence during all life. Подробнее...