гайморит во время беременности
Often простудные diseases. A condition for normal physiology of a cavity of a nose is free носовое breath. In norm the mucous membrane of a cavity of a nose and additional bosoms of a nose develops slime which "clears" a cavity of a nose of bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic factors. If the child has an obstacle to a current of air as аденоидов, outflow of slime favorable conditions for development of an infection and occurrence of inflammatory diseases are at a loss and created. Therefore children having аденоиды frequently also it is long болеют, and the periods of recovery at them very short. Подробнее...
The advanced, effective and sparing method for today in всм the world recognizes so-called functional эндоскопическая эндоназальная surgery of a cavity of a nose and additional bosoms of a nose. At the given method, by means of special эндоскопического the equipment the surgeon is capable to operate in all accessible at usual surgery and inaccessible departments of a cavity of a nose and bosoms. The important advantage of a method is that operation is carried out{spent} through a nose - эндоназально. It means, that any cuts{sections} on an external part of a nose is not made. Эндоскопическая the surgery allows to delete полипозную a fabric from bosoms directly through natural apertures of the last, and removal{distance} of polyps is made by means of the special tool - шейвера or микродебридера, that allows to delete polyps within the limits of a healthy mucous membrane with minimal травматизацией last. Advantage also is the opportunity of performance of operation under local anesthesia (it is possible and under the general{common} anesthesia) and small кровоточивость. But the main thing that the surgeon sees all that it{he} does{makes} that provides full removal{distance} of polyps and provides the best conditions that there was no repeated growth of polyps. Operation is carried out in a hospital and demands a presence{finding} in it{him} of the patient for the period from 3 till 7 days. Подробнее...