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отогенный гайморит

Decrease{Reduction} in serviceability. For today it is already proved, that at difficulty носового breath an organism of the person not дополучает up to 12-18 % of oxygen which is very important for work of a brain. Especially actually given condition at children who have very much advanced network of blood vessels of a mucous membrane of a cavity of a nose where goes active всасывание oxygen. Therefore at the child, suffering the difficulty носового breath valid аденоидов, observes constant lack of oxygen and first of all the brain suffers. Therefore children. Suffering аденоидами badly study, at them serviceability is reduced, they are less close{attentive}. Подробнее...

Infringement of physiology of an average ear. In norm the system which adjusts a difference of pressure between external atmospheric pressure and internal which exists in a cavity of a nose and a nasopharynx works for the person. This process is adjusted due to anatomic formation{education} which carries the name acoustical (евстахиева) a pipe. By this formation{education} air will penetrate into an average ear from a cavity of a nose. The majority of people which are possessing experience of flight by the plane these changes during rise and could feel landings{plantings}. The input{entrance} in an acoustical pipe is in a nasopharynx, in immediate proximity from the location аденоидной fabrics. Therefore, if at the child increases носоглоточная миндалина, she{it} blocks a mouth of an acoustical pipe, complicating free passage of air to an average ear. In result, the eardrum loses the mobility that is reflected in acoustical sensations - the child insufficiently well hears. Подробнее...