Мануальная терапия
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

прафилактика гайморит

Often complaints of patients besides loud храпа are: day time drowsiness, decrease{reduction} in serviceability, headaches, unproductive night dream, an impotence, propensity to consumption of somnolent preparations, etc. Patients with СОАС get in failure in connection with decrease{reduction} in attention is more often. The use of somnolent preparations, alcohol results in deterioration of current of disease. Подробнее...

One of methods of treatment храпа is weight reduction at corpulent patients, refusal of use of somnolent preparations as they aggravate current of disease and is extended with delays of breath. More often храп arises during dream in a prone position on a back when the soft sky sinks down and closes a nasopharynx. If you pay attention - any animal so does not sleep. Therefore the snoring person should accustom to sleep itself on one side or on a stomach as it is more natural. The original method has been offered for development{manufacture} of reflexes. Within two weeks it is necessary to sleep with a ball from ping-pong or a ball, вшитым in night clothes on a back, it will allow to develop correct habits. There are various adaptations for improvement носового breath, a bite (носорасширители, "назенбриз", various dummies) if they help you, it can serve partly as the indication to operative treatment on improvement носового breath or the decision of problems of an oral cavity. At heavy forms храпа and a syndrome obstructive апноэ dream it is applied СИПАП and БИПАП-THERAPY which consists that the patient in long time sleeps in a mask and in his{its} respiratory ways under the certain pressure air for prevention of respiratory standstill is forced. Has invented this technique and for the first time Australian professor Kolin Sullivan in 1981 has applied. The hardware method quickly restores normal phases of dream, improves efficiency of night rest. The given device to use simply, but to apply it{him} long time is necessary or is constant. Подробнее...