иммунокорекция гайморит затяжное течение
So, what such киста? If to speak briefly киста represents small spherical capacity with the thin and elastic walls, from within filled with a liquid. The size кисты and its{her} arrangement can be the most various, that speaks that clinical displays (the complaint of the patient) can differ. Подробнее...
Now the method of removal{distance} of polyps is widely applied by means of the laser. Advantage here are the following moments: an opportunity of carrying out of operation in out-patient conditions, the minimal morbidity, speed of performance, absence of a bleeding both during operation, and after its{her} performance. Essence of a method in that. That under action of the laser the structure of a polyp sharply loses a liquid, i.e. there is "evaporation" полипной fabrics that results in significant reduction of a polyp. However, the method has lacks. It{he} can be applied at individual polyps, and at widespread{distributed} to a polypose application is limited. Evaporation by the laser, unfortunately, does not relieve of the reason of occurrence of polyps as bosoms thus are not opened also removal{distance} of polyps from them is not made. Подробнее...