полипозный гайморит
Yet so a long time. When there were no so effective ways of anesthesia, all аденотомию carried out{spent} without anesthesia. Therefore, as a rule, parents ask questions in this occasion, leaning{basing} that him{it} or their familiar deleted аденоиды without any anesthesia. Подробнее...
Very much frequently presence аденоидных vegetations is combined with a hypertrophy (increase) небных миндалин. These bodies are at the person in a drink and everyone can see them. However, at children parallel growth аденоидов and небных миндалин very{very much} is frequently observed. Unfortunately and in this situation the most effective method of treatment is surgical intervention. At presence сочетанного increases миндалин and аденоидов, carrying out of one-stage removal{distance} аденоидов and cuttings небных миндалин is expedient. Operation carries the name - тонзиллотомия. I want to emphasize, that removal{distance} миндалин, they only подрезаются till the physiological normal size in this case is not carried out{not spent}. Аденоиды leave completely. Operation lasts little bit longer - about{near} 10-ти minutes. At presence of indications for carrying out аденотонзиллотомии she{it} should be carried out necessarily, with the subsequent purpose{assignment} of a rate of conservative preventive therapy. Подробнее...