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уши заложило болезнь

For the majority of diseases there is an alternative: conservative or surgical treatment. At presence at the patient кисты in a bosom, treatment is possible only surgical, i.e. operation on removal{distance} кисты is carried out{spent}. At once I shall note, what not all кисты are subject to removal{distance}, and, hence operative treatment is carried out{spent} only at presence of indications which are defined{determined} by the doctor. Therefore, expensive{dear} readers of given clause{article} if in you have found out кисту - do not panic, and simply address for consultation to the qualified ЛОР-SURGEON, preliminary having lead{having carried out} a computer tomography of additional bosoms of a nose which now to lead{carry out} simply enough (bodies in Moscow 248-58-86, 246-79-91) And the choice of the operative approach i.e. as operation will be lead{will be carried out} - is of great importance. Подробнее...

Very much frequently presence аденоидных vegetations is combined with a hypertrophy (increase) небных миндалин. These bodies are at the person in a drink and everyone can see them. However, at children parallel growth аденоидов and небных миндалин very{very much} is frequently observed. Unfortunately and in this situation the most effective method of treatment is surgical intervention. At presence сочетанного increases миндалин and аденоидов, carrying out of one-stage removal{distance} аденоидов and cuttings небных миндалин is expedient. Operation carries the name - тонзиллотомия. I want to emphasize, that removal{distance} миндалин, they only подрезаются till the physiological normal size in this case is not carried out{not spent}. Аденоиды leave completely. Operation lasts little bit longer - about{near} 10-ти minutes. At presence of indications for carrying out аденотонзиллотомии she{it} should be carried out necessarily, with the subsequent purpose{assignment} of a rate of conservative preventive therapy. Подробнее...