Мануальная терапия
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лор болезни ушей гниение

Now there are many ways of anesthesia. As to ЛОР-SURGERY in the West there all аденотомии are carried out under the general{common} anesthesia (narcosis). The majority of the Russian clinics now has adopted this experience. Certainly carrying out аденотомии under a narcosis for the child expediently. It{he} closes eyes, and when opens them operation is already executed. However, it is impossible to forget that any narcosis raises risk of operative treatment on at least on 10 %. Therefore here plays a role qualification of the anaesthesiologist which carries out{spends} a narcosis. I want to emphasize also, that carrying out аденотомии under the general{common} anesthesia is "aerobatics" of ЛОР-SURGERY. Carry out{spend} her{it} the highly skilled surgeon can only. Подробнее...

The chronic center of an infection. Аденоиды, complicating носовое breath not only contribute a children's organism to occurrence of inflammatory diseases, but also in themselves are the good environment for attack of bacteria and viruses. Therefore the fabric носоглоточной миндалины as a rule is in a condition of a chronic inflammation. It renders adverse influence on many bodies and systems of an organism, and the most important - the chronic center of an infection is a fine background for development of infectious - inflammatory and allergic diseases in a children's organism. Подробнее...