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ухо болезни

Other business when the question is a chronic inflammation аденоидной fabrics which carries the name - аденоидит. As a rule this condition is combined with increase аденоидной fabrics, but not always. And so, in the pure state аденоидит, is subject to conservative treatment, and operation should it is carried out{is spent} only when all methods are inefficient or at presence of a combination аденоидита and аденоидных vegetations. In any case. It is not necessary to be engaged in self-treatment, and what method of treatment more approaches for the child, therefore - address to the ЛОР-DOCTOR of a polyclinic, or consult at the ЛОР-SURGEON in a hospital. Always there is an opportunity to learn{find out} opinion of several experts which can advise or not advise operative treatment. So if doubt - do not lose time. Подробнее...

For the majority of diseases there is an alternative: conservative or surgical treatment. At presence at the patient кисты in a bosom, treatment is possible only surgical, i.e. operation on removal{distance} кисты is carried out{spent}. At once I shall note, what not all кисты are subject to removal{distance}, and, hence operative treatment is carried out{spent} only at presence of indications which are defined{determined} by the doctor. Therefore, expensive{dear} readers of given clause{article} if in you have found out кисту - do not panic, and simply address for consultation to the qualified ЛОР-SURGEON, preliminary having lead{having carried out} a computer tomography of additional bosoms of a nose which now to lead{carry out} simply enough (bodies in Moscow 248-58-86, 246-79-91) And the choice of the operative approach i.e. as operation will be lead{will be carried out} - is of great importance. Подробнее...