болезни горла советы по лечению
And at last, the mainest question. Whether it is possible to carry out{spend} аденотомию without anesthesia? Yes it is possible. And to this there is a physiological explanation. The structure аденоидной fabrics is those, that in it{her} there are no painful nervous fibres. So in norm of the person it is possible to prick in миндалину and it{he} will not feel a pain. I at all do not call to carry out{spend} experiments on this account. Besides to the child of it to not explain, and if there is an opportunity anesthesia should be lead{be carried out}. Even at his{its} small efficiency it renders good psychological effect. Подробнее...
The given disease is enough distributed: him{it} suffer on the average about 3 % of the population of the Earth. At men it meets in 10 times more often. Апноэ meets in a various degree at each tenth man. For the given syndrome it is characteristic храп and a delay of breath in dream at times till 1 minute. It can be compared to that as though the patient during dream dives under water and at this time does not breathe. At the patient the level of oxygen in blood falls, to I shall wipe arterial pressure raises. Thus СОАС results in the following complications: the heart attack of a myocardium, an insult, a proof arterial hypertension would seem without the seen reasons. СОАС potentially lethal disease. More often this disease persons in the age of from 40 till 60 years suffer and is higher, patients with the raised{increased} weight of a body. Подробнее...