Мануальная терапия
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болезни горла у детей

And at last, the mainest question. Whether it is possible to carry out{spend} аденотомию without anesthesia? Yes it is possible. And to this there is a physiological explanation. The structure аденоидной fabrics is those, that in it{her} there are no painful nervous fibres. So in norm of the person it is possible to prick in миндалину and it{he} will not feel a pain. I at all do not call to carry out{spend} experiments on this account. Besides to the child of it to not explain, and if there is an opportunity anesthesia should be lead{be carried out}. Even at his{its} small efficiency it renders good psychological effect. Подробнее...

What complaints can arise at the patient? I can tell, that in some cases - any. I.e. the person can all life mark{aim} кисту bosoms of a nose and to not know about its{her} existence. I shall tell more. The patient can repeatedly visit{attend} the ЛОР-DOCTOR as during routine inspections, and through illness, but without additional research to lead{carry out} diagnostics кисты it is impossible. The doctor can come out with the assumption of its{her} presence only. To establish the diagnosis the puncture (PUNCTURE) верхнечелюстной bosoms which is carried out frequently by the otolaryngologist at suspicion on an antritis helps. Thus from a bosom the doctor sucks away yellowish color a liquid which is contents кисты. In this case it is necessary to specify only localization кисты, i.e. to define{determine} - where exactly in a bosom she{it} is. For this purpose carries out additional research: рентгенография additional bosoms of a nose, contrast рентгенография - when before carrying out of a picture in a bosom the contrast substance, and also most диагностически a significant computer tomography of additional bosoms of a nose in coronary and axial projections is entered. Last method allows to establish to within millimeter the size кисты, its{her} arrangement in a bosom that is very important for a choice of a method of removal{distance} кисты. Frequently to me patients whom carried out{spent} a computer tomography of other bodies (a brain, an ear) address and at inspection have found out кисту, Подробнее...