гнойная ангина у детей
Other pressing question which is set practically by all parents who heard that having removed аденоиды, is possible to not recover as they grow again. Unfortunately, and I cannot deny it, relapses (repeated increase аденоидов) meet enough frequently. It depends on lines of the reasons, basic of which I shall list. Подробнее...
After the lead{carried out} operative treatment puffiness of a mucous cavity of a nose and пазуъх can keep about 1-3 months. That is why it is very important, that the patient in the first was observed by the otolaryngologist of a hospital or a polyclinic, and in the second - carefully carried out purposes{assignments} of the doctor in domestic conditions. At observance of the data of a condition the probability of development of relapse is minimal. Подробнее...