катаральная гнойная ангина
« The curvature носовой partitions » the ЛОР-DOCTOR as for this purpose it is required to inspect a cavity of a nose by means of special medical toolkit can establish the exact diagnosis only. However there is a number{line} of symptoms which will help the patient to suspect the given disease and to address to оториноларингологу. Подробнее...
Allergic diseases. Infringement носового breath supports current in an organism of allergic processes, is especial at компенсаторных curvatures of a partition of a nose when at contact of a mucous membrane of a cavity of a nose with a partition there is a constant irritation which is capable to provoke attacks of a bronchial asthma, an allergic cold. The patient feels « inconvenience in a nose », the itch, from a cavity of a nose periodically or is constantly allocated slime. Especially brightly these symptoms are shown at presence at the patient of a combination of an allergic rhinitis of a hypertrophy носовых bowls and a curvature носовой partitions. Подробнее...