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лечение ангины у детей 7 месяцев

Now there are many ways of anesthesia. As to ЛОР-SURGERY in the West there all аденотомии are carried out under the general{common} anesthesia (narcosis). The majority of the Russian clinics now has adopted this experience. Certainly carrying out аденотомии under a narcosis for the child expediently. It{he} closes eyes, and when opens them operation is already executed. However, it is impossible to forget that any narcosis raises risk of operative treatment on at least on 10 %. Therefore here plays a role qualification of the anaesthesiologist which carries out{spends} a narcosis. I want to emphasize also, that carrying out аденотомии under the general{common} anesthesia is "aerobatics" of ЛОР-SURGERY. Carry out{spend} her{it} the highly skilled surgeon can only. Подробнее...

The advanced, effective and sparing method for today in всм the world recognizes so-called functional эндоскопическая эндоназальная surgery of a cavity of a nose and additional bosoms of a nose. At the given method, by means of special эндоскопического the equipment the surgeon is capable to operate in all accessible at usual surgery and inaccessible departments of a cavity of a nose and bosoms. The important advantage of a method is that operation is carried out{spent} through a nose - эндоназально. It means, that any cuts{sections} on an external part of a nose is not made. Эндоскопическая the surgery allows to delete полипозную a fabric from bosoms directly through natural apertures of the last, and removal{distance} of polyps is made by means of the special tool - шейвера or микродебридера, that allows to delete polyps within the limits of a healthy mucous membrane with minimal травматизацией last. Advantage also is the opportunity of performance of operation under local anesthesia (it is possible and under the general{common} anesthesia) and small кровоточивость. But the main thing that the surgeon sees all that it{he} does{makes} that provides full removal{distance} of polyps and provides the best conditions that there was no repeated growth of polyps. Operation is carried out in a hospital and demands a presence{finding} in it{him} of the patient for the period from 3 till 7 days. Подробнее...