ангина фон людвига
As the curvature носовой partitions inherently infringement of a structure (anatomy) of a cavity of a nose is already marked in given clause{article}. Therefore treatment of the given disease - only surgical. Operation to concern to plastic and is carried out through a nose - эндоназально. Therefore to not be carried out{not be spent} cuts{sections} on a leather{skin} of the person. Sense of operation in removing the curved part of a partition of a nose at preservation of a mucous membrane. I shall not stop on subtleties of carrying out of operation, but I shall note some the moments connected to it{her}. Подробнее...
If the patient suffers the expressed allergic process in addition can be used антигистаминные preparations (for example Эриус or Кларитин), and supervision at the allergist is desirable. Before operation it is expedient to such patients to follow a short-term policy of injections or intravenous injections кортикостероидов (dexamethasone, etc.) Подробнее...