ангина фаренгит и другие инфекционные заболевания
These are the most often reasons. I want to notice, that at presence of indications аденотомия it should be carried out necessarily. To be afraid of repeated operation does not cost, as performance of her{it} will borrow{occupy} less than 5 minutes, and will bring simplification to the child. And if not to execute operation the child will suffer. About what it mentioned above. Now I shall stop on questions of anesthesia. Подробнее...
Infringement of development of the speech device. As already it is above marked, at presence at the child аденоидов growth of bones of an obverse skeleton is broken. It can is in turn adverse influence formation of speech. The child does not utter separate letters, constantly speaks in a nose (гнусавит). And, parents frequently do not notice these changes as "get used" to a pronunciation of the child. Подробнее...