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фолликулярная ангина лечение

As the curvature носовой partitions inherently infringement of a structure (anatomy) of a cavity of a nose is already marked in given clause{article}. Therefore treatment of the given disease - only surgical. Operation to concern to plastic and is carried out through a nose - эндоназально. Therefore to not be carried out{not be spent} cuts{sections} on a leather{skin} of the person. Sense of operation in removing the curved part of a partition of a nose at preservation of a mucous membrane. I shall not stop on subtleties of carrying out of operation, but I shall note some the moments connected to it{her}. Подробнее...

At easy forms СОАС bring results a partial resection язычка the soft sky, and also out-patient operations widely promoted recently in the soft sky, such as laser and radioplastic of the soft sky under local anesthesia. Подробнее...