беременность и ангина
Other pressing question which is set practically by all parents who heard that having removed аденоиды, is possible to not recover as they grow again. Unfortunately, and I cannot deny it, relapses (repeated increase аденоидов) meet enough frequently. It depends on lines of the reasons, basic of which I shall list. Подробнее...
Why аденоиды it is necessary to delete. I shall try to answer this question having given an example. As by me it is already marked, аденоидная the fabric is an anatomic formation{education}, i.e. it is the structure of the fabric borrowing{occupying} certain volume in a cavity of a nose and a nasopharynx. But frequently parents, not knowing this feature demand from what doctor of purpose{assignment} or drops, tablets or other methods of treatment, only not operative intervention. And it is extremely difficult for ЛОР-DOCTOR to overpersuade mum or the daddy in the opposite. For this purpose is a promised example. Подробнее...