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лечение гнойной ангины

Curvatures of a partition of a nose are subdivided on physiological, traumatic and компенсаторные, depending on the reason of occurrence. Physiological curvatures - occuring during growth and development of an organism - arise in connection with that the partition of a nose will consist of various fabrics in the structural attitude{relation} (bone and хрящевой) which growth occurs non-uniformly, and growth of a bone skeleton not always corresponds{meets} to growth хрящевого, i.e. there is an advancing of growth of one part of a partition another. It is the most often reason of occurrence of curvatures of a partition of a nose. Curvatures of all partition of a nose (i.e. displacement of her{it} aside) or formations{educations} of crests and thorns in this case are more characteristic. Traumatic curvatures arise owing to mechanical damages and can be the diversified. Frequently traumatic curvatures of a partition of a nose are combined with crises of bones of a nose. At children traumatic curvatures can already arise at a birth as during sorts the child can have dislocation of a cartilage of a partition of a nose. During growth and development of bones of an obverse skull, even the insignificant trauma of a partition of a nose can lead to to further its{her} wrong growth and there will be a necessity for surgical treatment. Компенсаторные curvatures - сочетанное infringement of anatomy of several formations{educations} of a cavity of a nose. The matter is that on lateral walls of a cavity of a nose there are formations{educations} - носовые bowls - which, as well as a partition, during the growth and development can get the most various form. There is a hypertrophy (increase) носовых bowls more often. Thus there is a constant contact носовых bowls to a partition of a nose and in due course in a place of contact arises компенсаторное a curvature носовой partitions. On the part of increased носовой bowls on a partition the hollow, and from the opposite party{side} - выпячивание or a crest is formed. Such curvatures can meet at polyps of a cavity of a nose, вазомоторном a rhinitis, alien bodies of a cavity of a nose, that difference, that the partition adjoins to other formation{education}. Подробнее...

Infringement of physiology of an average ear. In norm the system which adjusts a difference of pressure between external atmospheric pressure and internal which exists in a cavity of a nose and a nasopharynx works for the person. This process is adjusted due to anatomic formation{education} which carries the name acoustical (евстахиева) a pipe. By this formation{education} air will penetrate into an average ear from a cavity of a nose. The majority of people which are possessing experience of flight by the plane these changes during rise and could feel landings{plantings}. The input{entrance} in an acoustical pipe is in a nasopharynx, in immediate proximity from the location аденоидной fabrics. Therefore, if at the child increases носоглоточная миндалина, she{it} blocks a mouth of an acoustical pipe, complicating free passage of air to an average ear. In result, the eardrum loses the mobility that is reflected in acoustical sensations - the child insufficiently well hears. Подробнее...