аденоиды медина
Principal cause of occurrence of an antritis is the infection - bacteria or viruses will penetrate in гайморову a bosom through a cavity of a nose or through blood and cause inflammatory process. To imagine the given process, we shall consider in more detail anatomic features of a structure верхнечелюстной bosoms as it will help you to understand as well as why there is an antritis, and also to understand principles of treatment of the given disease. Подробнее...
To establish the diagnosis полипозный синуит the patient the ЛОР-DOCTOR at which sufficient qualification the patient will be сориентирован as it{him} to carry out{spend} treatment should examine. One of the important additional methods of research is computer tomography (КТ) of additional bosoms of a nose in a coronary and axial projection. The given research allows not only to define{determine} prevalence полипозного process, but also сориентировать the surgeon in volume of forthcoming operative treatment, therefore, the patient, going{were going;gathering} to engage in removal{distance} of polyps without fail should pass a computer tomography. To me patients with the request for consultation concerning polyps frequently address, and I am absolute all appoint КТ. The given kind of inspection to be carried out{be spent} quickly and without serious consequences. Подробнее...