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аденоиды и герпес у детей

For the majority of diseases there is an alternative: conservative or surgical treatment. At presence at the patient кисты in a bosom, treatment is possible only surgical, i.e. operation on removal{distance} кисты is carried out{spent}. At once I shall note, what not all кисты are subject to removal{distance}, and, hence operative treatment is carried out{spent} only at presence of indications which are defined{determined} by the doctor. Therefore, expensive{dear} readers of given clause{article} if in you have found out кисту - do not panic, and simply address for consultation to the qualified ЛОР-SURGEON, preliminary having lead{having carried out} a computer tomography of additional bosoms of a nose which now to lead{carry out} simply enough (bodies in Moscow 248-58-86, 246-79-91) And the choice of the operative approach i.e. as operation will be lead{will be carried out} - is of great importance. Подробнее...

Modern diagnostics of disease consists in carrying out полисомнографического researches in laboratories of dream or is out-patient in-home with the help of special devices which measure a level of oxygen of blood, fix all delays of breath in dream, supervise pulse, arterial pressure, carry out{spend} реоэнцефалорграфию and study other parameters of cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems. On the basis of the analysis of the data полисомнографии the reason of delays of breath comes to light and the degree of expressiveness of a pathology is defined{determined}. The reasons of disease can be central (a pathology of the respiratory center of an oblong brain), peripheral (a pathology of ЛОР-BODIES) and mixed генеза. Now the whole complex of the diagnostic actions allowing comprehensively to survey the patient is produced and to develop effective tactics of treatment. Diagnostics includes survey of ЛОР-BODIES by means of flexible эндоскопов, application of functional tests (test Мюллера), active ринопневмоманометрию, a computer tomography околоносовых bosoms and a nasopharynx for definition of a place of infringement of passableness of the top respiratory ways and полисомнографию. More often places of obstruction are: a nose (a curvature of a partition of a nose, chronic rhinitises, sinusites, etc.), nasopharynxes (аденоиды, various hypertrophies and good-quality formations{educations}), a drink (long язычок and handles of the soft sky or their thickening, a chronic tonsillitis), a throat (increase in a root of language). Подробнее...