лазерной терапии удаление аденоидов
Often complaints of patients besides loud храпа are: day time drowsiness, decrease{reduction} in serviceability, headaches, unproductive night dream, an impotence, propensity to consumption of somnolent preparations, etc. Patients with СОАС get in failure in connection with decrease{reduction} in attention is more often. The use of somnolent preparations, alcohol results in deterioration of current of disease. Подробнее...
If and at this stage the patient does not address to the otolaryngologist process of growth of a mucous membrane gradually progresses. As it has been marked above, the given process goes in bosoms of a nose, each of which has the limited volume. Therefore. During the certain moment of time increased (гиперплазированная) the mucous membrane simply does not find for itself a place in a bosom and through a natural aperture of last (the sm clause{article} "Antritis") falls outside the limits a bosom, т.е in a cavity of a nose. I emphasize, that the given process goes gradually and his{its} development can "be missed" by the patient. Complaints appear during that moment when the part гиперплазированной слсзистой drops out of a bosom in a cavity of a nose. The site mucous which falls outside the limits a bosom and is actually a polyp. Thus the patient starts to pay attention that носовое breath has sharply worsened, and that earlier at using vasoconstrictive drops quickly improved носовое breath, and now, suddenly, a drop have ceased to help. If process bilateral the difficulty of breath is marked both on the right, and at the left. If and at this stage treatment is not applied - process can lead to to full loss носового breath. Подробнее...