цветные сузором контактные линзы
There are also less essential, but too not so pleasant, consequences of carrying of glasses. This infringement of color perception{recognition} (you noticed behind yourselves, what, for example, at selection of fabrics in shop you remove glasses because without them both the structure, and color of a fabric are visible луше?), nervousness because of their constant pollution or запотевания, the limited field of vision, a unpleasant deposit on soul of that all *люди as people, and you *очкарик*, etc. the big and fine troubles. Certainly, they cannot be compared on the consequences to that harm which renders to eyes the fact of carrying of glasses. Подробнее...
Diagnosis Д. can be put during definition of visual acuity at research by glasses. Degree Д. is defined{determined} by strongest of the collective lenses, giving the best sight. Visual acuity at Д. weak and average degrees can be normal; at Д. high degrees (5,0-10,0 D and is higher) visual acuity is lowered, despite of correction by glasses. Correction Д. is made by the convex glasses strengthening a refraction (fig. 2). At absence of correction by glasses at far-sighted easily arises астенопия and quite often the converging squint develops. Подробнее...