линзы аква контактные
Vitamin В1 (тиамин) apply at degenerations of a retina, a pathology of an optic nerve, кератитах, a glaucoma. Appoint in tablets on 0,002 г or intramuscularly on 1 ml of 3 % and 6 % of solutions. Vitamin В2 (рибофлавин) apply at блефаритах, рецидивирующих barleys, кератитах, ulcers of a cornea. Appoint in tablets on 0,005 г and as eye drops of 0,01 % a solution. Vitamin B6 (пиридоксин) apply at a pathology of a retina, an optic nerve, inflammatory diseases of eyes. Appoint in tablets on 0,005 г or intramuscularly on 1 ml of 1 % and 5 % of solutions. Подробнее...
One more aspect of harm of carrying of glasses with optical lenses is marked in C.L.Tomsona's work. It{he} writes: *Нормальная, the healthy muscle remains those only in case she{it} is frequently started up in business and if its{her} amplitude of movement is used completely. Any muscle which is used only in a small part of its{her} amplitude, is predisposed to утере abilities is high-grade to move. In this aspect glasses in part harmful as instead of watching or looking{keeping up or looking} behind any object only eyes, the tendency to move is observed by a head. Eyeballs, thus, be relative обездвиживаются, and their muscles and blood circulation suffer as a result of a divergence. Told by Thomson especially truly when speech comes about monotonous work in glasses on close distance, for example, reading. In these cases of an eye are borrowed{occupied} with identical movements practically in the same direction (to the left - to the right) and with the small amplitude limited in width of a line in the book. For indemnification of a pressure{voltage} arising at it special exercises are developed. Подробнее...