Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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контактные линзы с приколами

Новокаиновая blockade is applied in ophthalmology in complex treatment of some diseases of eyes: кератиты various этиологии, увеиты, burns of a cornea, невриты, ангиоспазм ретинальных vessels, a glaucoma. In ophthalmology blockade which is carried out by the average medical personnel is most distributed hypodermic параорбитальная. At параорбитальной to blockade enter 15-20 ml of 0,5-1 % of a solution новокаина deeply under a leather{skin} in area надбровной arches and external orbital edge{territory}. On a rate - 4-5 blockade in 4-5 day. Подробнее...

Preventive maintenance Б. of newborns will consist in the following. To all newborns immediately after a birth carefully wipe веки the cotton wool moistened in 2 % a solution boric к-you. Then, a little having slightly opened веки, let in конъюнкти-вальный a bag on 1 drop 2°о a solution of nitrate silver (ляписа). In preventive maintenance Б. struggle against a gonorrhoea is of great importance. Подробнее...