Мануальная терапия
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

правильный подбор контактных линз

Current primary Г. is various. Usually she{it} develops gradually. The sharp attack (декомпенсация) Г. is observed infrequently, accompanied by sharp pains in an eye and surrounding areas (вп-juice, a forehead), deterioration of the general{common} condition. The nausea and vomitting are quite often observed. An eyeball гипереми-ровано, a pupil wide, visual acuity is sharply lowered. Подробнее...

Bandages on eyes impose at transportation of the patient, rendering the emergency help at traumas of an eye, after operations, and also to the restless patient and children. Монокулярную a bandage (on one eye) impose on a sick eye if his{its} movements under a bandage, arising содружественно at movements of the second eye, are not contra-indicated. A binocular bandage impose at defeat of both eyes or if movements of a sick eye are undesirable (after penetrating wounds, operations). Подробнее...