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подборка контактных линз

In the general{common} arsenal of the medical products used at inflammatory diseases of body of sight, antibiotics have conducting{leading} value. At bacterial inflammations of a forward department of an eye (конъюнктивит, блефарит, дакриоцистит, defeat of a cornea) the most often activators are golden стафилококк (S. aureus), пневмококк (Str. pneumoniae) and гемофильная a stick (Haemophilus influenzae). All of them are sensitive to хлорамфениколу (левомицетину), therefore eye drops левомицетина - the most popular means all over the world. Last years drops триметоприма with полимиксином are widely applied Century. Подробнее...

At Б. newborns infection of eyes occurs at passage of the head of a fruit through patrimonial ways a sick gonorrhoea of mother. Usually both eyes fall ill. On 2-3 й day after a birth the child has swelling and a redness a century, гиперемия and puffiness конъюнктивы. Веки become so dense, that they are difficult for opening or turning out. In the beginning of disease separated of конъюнктивального a bag poor, серозно-кровянистое, on 4-5-® day becomes plentiful, purulent (rice).. Подробнее...