спортивная контактные линзы
There are also less essential, but too not so pleasant, consequences of carrying of glasses. This infringement of color perception{recognition} (you noticed behind yourselves, what, for example, at selection of fabrics in shop you remove glasses because without them both the structure, and color of a fabric are visible луше?), nervousness because of their constant pollution or запотевания, the limited field of vision, a unpleasant deposit on soul of that all *люди as people, and you *очкарик*, etc. the big and fine troubles. Certainly, they cannot be compared on the consequences to that harm which renders to eyes the fact of carrying of glasses. Подробнее...
In the general{common} arsenal of the medical products used at inflammatory diseases of body of sight, antibiotics have conducting{leading} value. At bacterial inflammations of a forward department of an eye (конъюнктивит, блефарит, дакриоцистит, defeat of a cornea) the most often activators are golden стафилококк (S. aureus), пневмококк (Str. pneumoniae) and гемофильная a stick (Haemophilus influenzae). All of them are sensitive to хлорамфениколу (левомицетину), therefore eye drops левомицетина - the most popular means all over the world. Last years drops триметоприма with полимиксином are widely applied Century. Подробнее...