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- Сексопатология

самые качественные контактные линзы

At occurrence senile К. patients usually address with complaints to deterioration of sight. Beginning senile К. it is characterized by small downturn of sight and presence in a crystalline lens (comes to light at survey офтальмоскопом) штриховидных помутнений, going from his{its} periphery to the center (fig. 1); at unripe К. downturn of sight is more significant, that is connected to increase помутнений in a crystalline lens (fig. 2); mature К. it is characterized by sharp decrease{reduction} in sight (up to светоощущения) and turbidity of all substance of a crystalline lens which becomes серовато-white (fig. 3). Maturing senile К. proceeds usually 1-3 years and more. Подробнее...

It is necessary to take into account and such fact. That the refraction of an eye never happens a constant, does not allow to write out the exact recipe on glasses. It is no wonder, that some people and do not manage to pick up glasses to which their eyes would reconcile. Inconstancy of a refraction results, besides to that discrepancy which we can observe in the statistical data on prevalence of those or other kinds of infringement of sight. Подробнее...