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подбор контактных линз кривизна радиус роговица

Proceeding from told, Бэйтс judges, that glasses bring to the person harm big or small, but nevertheless harm. *Человек, explain{speak} Бэйтс, cannot see through them if it{he} does not make a degree of anomaly of a refraction which they should correct. However, рефрактивные anomalies in an eye which is given to itself, are never constant. Hence, if the person provides to itself good sight with the help concave, convex or астигматических lenses, it means, that it{he} keeps constantly certain degree of anomaly of a refraction which in other conditions would not be kept those. Unique result of such situation it is necessary to expect deterioration of a condition. Experience shows, that is usual and происходит.* Подробнее...

Туширование конъюнктивы the century is sometimes carried out{sometimes spent} at конъюнктивитах. For туширования use strong solutions of antiseptic tanks and knitting means (Sol. Argenti nitrici 1 %; Sol. Tannini 10 %) .Туширование carry out{spend} as follows. Turn out top and bottom веки. Big and index fingers of the left hand turned out веки pull together before contact. On inverted forward конъюнктивальной surfaces both century some times from a nose to a temple and back прокатывают банничек, humidified туширующим a solution, or irrigate конъюнктиву with a necessary antiseptic solution. Surplus of it{him} will neutralize, washing off изотоническим a solution of sodium of chloride. After that веки release{let off} and give to them normal position. Подробнее...