контактные линзы джонсон энд
Constant carrying of sunglasses results in occurrence of a photophobia (photophobia) when even that quantity{amount} of light which easy maintains a normal eye, results in pains in eyes from which dark glasses have removed{have taken off} habitual him{it}. Besides carrying of glasses with the glasses painted in various colors quite often causes so-called послеэффект, shown in infringement for rather long time of correct color perception{recognition} of the world. Подробнее...
In the general{common} arsenal of the medical products used at inflammatory diseases of body of sight, antibiotics have conducting{leading} value. At bacterial inflammations of a forward department of an eye (конъюнктивит, блефарит, дакриоцистит, defeat of a cornea) the most often activators are golden стафилококк (S. aureus), пневмококк (Str. pneumoniae) and гемофильная a stick (Haemophilus influenzae). All of them are sensitive to хлорамфениколу (левомицетину), therefore eye drops левомицетина - the most popular means all over the world. Last years drops триметоприма with полимиксином are widely applied Century. Подробнее...