Мануальная терапия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

контактные линзы fresh look radiance

Электрофорез promotes deep introduction of medicinal substances in a fabric of an eye, to their deposition. It{him} apply on глазозатылочной to a technique (on Бургиньону) at which one electrode impose on веки through a lining impregnated with medicinal substance, and the second - on a nape. Apply also an eye electrode as a tray filled with a medicinal solution and established on centuries of an open eye. At diseases of a back pole of an eye (стекловидного bodies, retinas, an optic nerve) apply эндоназальный электрофорез (through носовую a cavity of the corresponding party{side}). Подробнее...

At introduction of medicines under конъюнктиву, парабульбарно, ретробульбарно reliable sterility is required. Injections should be carried out in a procedural cabinet{study} by the skilled medical sister. Before субконъюнктивальной an injection for reduction of discomfort it is possible to drip in an eye анестетик {0,5 % a solution дикаина, 10 % a solution новокаина). Подробнее...