контактные линзы lavue
Massage a century is sometimes appointed the patient with the raised{increased} secretion мейбомиевых желез and a delay of a secret in their channels that can conduct to persistent блефароконъюнктивитам. The purpose of massage - опорожнение channels мейбомиевых желез from the contents which have accumulated in them. The best technics{technical equipment} of massage is following. In an eye the solution дикаина is dug in, and through 3-4 mines after that under a upper eyelid is entered лопаточка a glass eye stick above which mass веко a finger. Thus from мейбомиевых желез superfluous contents are allocated. Moving a glass stick, make massage of a century on all his{its} extent then банничком delete an allocated secret. Then the same massage is done{made} and on a lower eyelid. After massage in an eye disinfectant drops are dug in. Подробнее...
Eyeball - almost spherical formation{education}, diameter about 24 mm., located in an eye-socket. It possesses active mobility as a result of activity of six eye muscles - four straight lines (top, bottom, internal and external) and two slanting (top and bottom). The eyeball is separated from other part of an eye-socket by a dense fibrous vagina - теноновой a capsule behind of which is fatty клетчатка. Подробнее...