контактные линзы soflens 66 6шт
Pathology. From congenital anomalies and uglinesses Г. are observed full absence Г. (congenital анофтальм), reduction of the sizes of an eyeball (микрофтальм), недоразвитие an eyeball, a century and an eye crack (криптофтальм, etc.). Traumas. Distinguish traumas Г. industrial, agricultural, military, household. A special place traumas Г. borrow{occupy} from children and teenagers. Owing to, causing a trauma, mechanical, thermal, chemical and beam damages of distinguish. Подробнее...
Distinguish three degrees Б.: weak - up to 3 dioptries, average - from 3 up to 6 dioptries and high - more than 6 dioptries. Allocate as special disease heavy, or progressing, Б., at a cut there are changes in environments of an eye and on eye day. Complications of such kind Б. can be отслойка a mesh environment, a haemorrhage in environments of an eye, etc., resulting{bringing} to significant downturn of sight and even to blindness. Подробнее...