Мануальная терапия
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цветные контактные линзы магазины

The creeping ulcer of a cornea arises more often after superficial traumas of a cornea колосками cereals, branches of a tree, fine alien bodies. The purulent inflammation of a plaintive bag (дакриоцистит) promotes development of process. It is characterized by defect of a fabric of a cornea with purulent инфильтрацией and bent to distribution on a surface and in depth (fig. 1), at the bottom of the forward chamber of an eye occurs a congestion of pus (гппопион), an irregular-shaped pupil. Current usually heavy. At absence of duly treatment complications down to perforation of a cornea are possible{probable}. Treatment only at the doctor - oculist - сульфаниламиды and antibiotics place - but also inside. At detection дакриоцистита urgent operative treatment is necessary. Подробнее...

Patients Г. should observe the certain mode. Are necessary restriction of a liquid up to 5 glasses in day, regulation of activity of intestines, improvement of dream. Strong tea, natural coffee and alcoholic drinks are excluded. Preparations белладонны н caffeine are contra-indicated. It is necessary to avoid long stay in darkness. Reading and other visual work are allowable. Using glasses with золеными glasses is recommended. Employment includes a number{line} of the actions facilitating work of sick: work in the afternoon and in a light premise{room}, breaks in work; it is necessary to avoid a nervous and physical pressure{voltage}, overfatigue, etc. Подробнее...