осложнения контактные линзы
The ascorbic acid (vitamin С) participates in synthesis of collagen, normalization of permeability of capillaries, ability to live of a crystalline lens. In eye practice apply at short-sightedness, a pathology of vessels of eyes, герпетических кератитах, degenerate processes of a cornea, burns, an initial cataract. Appoint in tablets on 0,05-0,1 г after meal, intramuscularly or intravenously 5 % and 10 % solutions. In a combination to vitamin Р (аскорутин in tablets on 0,05 г) apply with a view of reduction of fragility and permeability of vessels. Подробнее...
Vitamins are part of the eye drops used at a cataract. "Вицеин" - the combined preparation including цистеин, тиамин, АТФ, a nicotinic acid and a number{line} of other components. It is applied in an initial stage of a cataract. Are close on pharmacological action to вицеину foreign preparations "Витаиодурол", "Витафакол", "Катахром", "Каталин". Подробнее...