Мануальная терапия
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цветные контактные линзы для темных глаз

Washing конъюнктивального a bag with the help of a rubber cylinder (pear) allows to wash out a strong jet of a liquid the bottom and top vaults конъюнктивы. For washing it is possible to use a usual cylinder for клизм. The cylinder and his{its} tip should be sterile. In a cylinder type{collect} a washing liquid as which water is used, at burns alkalis - sour solutions for neutralization of alkali (2-3 % a solution of a boric acid), at burns acids - alkaline solutions (2 % a solution of sodium of a hydrocarbonate). It is possible to do{make} washing above тазиком, a bowl. For washing the bottom arch delay a lower eyelid, the patient ask to look upwards, compression of a cylinder a jet direct on конъюнктиву the arch, and then under a upper eyelid for washing the top arch. Подробнее...

Chronic конъюнктивит, катаральный or follicular, can arise in conditions of polluted and dusty air, under action chemical прпмесей or at intense visual work in case of a far-sightedness and астигматизма, at work in conditions of bad illumination, прп diseases a century and plaintive ways, chronic illnesses of a nose and a nasopharynx. Symptoms: weight a century, burning, sensation of an alien body, слезотечение, a photophobia, separated is not enough. At children's age chronic К. usually proceeds with numerous follicles in bottom transitive складке (фолликулез). Лечен and е should be directed on elimination of the reason of disease. Местно - 0,25 % the solution of sulfate of zinc, is better with adrenaline, 0,5 % ointment гидрокортизона. Подробнее...