лазерная коррекция зрения по цене контактных линз
Фликтенулезный К. (fig. 3) - a туберкулезно-allergic inflammation of a cornea. Most frequently arises at children suffering бронхаденитом or a tuberculosis лимф. Units. It is quite often marked экзематозная a rash on a leather{skin} of the person. The person одутловато, submaxillary лимф. Units are increased. A sharp photophobia, a spasm a century, слезотечение. On конъюнктиве, at лимба and in the cornea are found out fine узелки - фликтены to which the bunch{beam} of vessels approaches. Treatment - the general{common}, is carried out{spent} under the instruction{indication} of the pediatrist or the phthisiatrician (inside chloride of calcium, фтивазид, ПАСК; intramuscularly streptomycin; an irradiation of a body ultra-violet beams). Local treatment - drops of streptomycin of 25000 ЕЦ/ML in a combination with закапыванием эмульсии кортизона, закладывание for веки 1 % of yellow mercury ointment. Cracks of a leather{skin} at corners of an eye crack cauterize 10 % a solution of nitrate silver. Подробнее...
Labels (моно-and binocular) in большинсве cases with success replace corresponding бинтовые bandages. For fixing ватно-gauze linings on eyes in such cases are used a strip of an adhesive plaster. Local therapy is rather effective at diseases of the auxiliary device and a forward department of an eyeball. However it is frequent already at illnesses a century, plaintive bodies and конъюнктивы such therapy is supplemented with general purposes. At a pathology of a cornea, радужки, цилиарного bodies the need{requirement} for carrying out of the general{common} therapy considerably increases. Inflammations хориоидеи, a mesh environment and an optic nerve treat mainly methods of the general{common} therapy in a combination to introduction of medicines ретробульбарно, and also with the help электро-or фонофореза. Подробнее...