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самые лучшие контактные линзы

Парабульбарное introduction of medicines is an injection through a leather{skin} of a lower eyelid on depth 1 sm in the direction of equator of an eye. The method is less painful{unhealthy} in comparison with субконыонктивальным introduction. Ретробульбарное introduction of medicinal substances is recommended at a pathology of an optic nerve, a retina. Under the certain indications medicinal substances (antibiotics, enzymes, glucocorticoids, etc.) can be entered into the forward chamber of an eye, in стекловидное a body, субхориоидально, ретроградно in an orbital artery (at гипопионах, гифемах, эндофтальмитах, гемофтальмах, infringements of blood circulation in vessels of a retina, an optic nerve). These manipulations carry out{spend} офтальмохирурги in conditions operational. Подробнее...

Субконъюнктивальные injections of medical products usually appoint everyone 12-24 ч (левомицетин, gentamycin, дексон, etc.). At use субконъюнктивального ways of introduction should be avoided mixing of two preparations in one syringe (penicillin, for example, инактивируется аминогликозидами at their mixing). Субконъюнктивальное introduction provides fast soaking up effect, is especial if water solutions are used. At injections under конъюнктиву medical products act in an eye mainly through склеру in a place of an injection. Подробнее...