контактные линзы противопоказания
To not steroid anti-inflammatory preparations concern бутадион, реопирин, ибупрофен, indometacin. They ингибируют biosynthesis простогландинов, surpassing in this respect ацетилсалициловую an acid. Them apply at inflammatory processes of an eyeball, traumas of an eye, in the postoperative period. Appoint in tablets or as intramuscular injections. Подробнее...
Quite often changes Г. can serve as initial symptoms of the general{common} disease (напр., frustration of sight at a tumour of a brain). Simultaneous defeat Г. and all organism (напр is sometimes observed., at a tuberculosis, a syphilis, токсоплазмозе, бруцеллезе, etc.). Pathological changes Г. can be consequences{investigations} (complications) of the transferred general{common} disease (a smallpox, a diphtheria). In very rare cases and the body of sight can be a source of disease of an organism (malignant tumours Г., a phlegmon of an eye-socket). For an establishment of the exact reason of disease Г. carrying out of some клиинко-laboratory researches is necessary depending on prospective disease. Sometimes make radiological research of area of an eye-socket, additional bosoms of a nose, a skull. If necessary use consultation of doctors of other specialities (the therapist, the neuropathologist, the pediatrist, etc.). Подробнее...