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Biogenic stimulators are offered to V.P.Filatovym. Apply to improvement of processes of healing and рассасывания, a metabolism in an eye. Appoint an extract of an aloe, ФиБС, стекловидное a body, торфот intramuscularly, hypodermically, парабульбарно. Подробнее...
Preventive maintenance: observance of rules of personal hygiene, using an individual towel. At occurrence sharp К. the patient should be isolated from collective (in-home; stay of patients К. in children's collectives - in a children's day nursery, gardens is especially dangerous, at schools), strictly to observe rules of hygiene. The ambassador закапывания drops or закладывания ointments of a pipette and should be sterilized glass sticks кипячением. Подробнее...