Мануальная терапия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

язвенный кератит

Physiotherapeutic methods borrow{occupy} one of the important places in treatment of patients with inflammatory, dystrophic diseases, and also at damages of eyes. In ophthalmology frequently apply электрофорез, ultrasound, their combination - фонофорез, currents УВЧ, a ultra-violet irradiation, диатермию, криотерапию. However at purpose{assignment} of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment it is necessary to remember contra-indications as the general{common} (malignant новообразования, hypertonic illness), and local character (fresh haemorrhages on Wednesdays of an eye, a sclerosis of vessels of an eye, purulent processes). Подробнее...

At occurrence senile К. patients usually address with complaints to deterioration of sight. Beginning senile К. it is characterized by small downturn of sight and presence in a crystalline lens (comes to light at survey офтальмоскопом) штриховидных помутнений, going from his{its} periphery to the center (fig. 1); at unripe К. downturn of sight is more significant, that is connected to increase помутнений in a crystalline lens (fig. 2); mature К. it is characterized by sharp decrease{reduction} in sight (up to светоощущения) and turbidity of all substance of a crystalline lens which becomes серовато-white (fig. 3). Maturing senile К. proceeds usually 1-3 years and more. Подробнее...