кератит катаракта
At chronic Г. appoint закапывания in конъюнктивальный a bag of mystical means: 1, 2 and 6 % a solution пилокарпина, 0,25 % a solution эзерина, 0,5 % a solution about - зерина (on 1-2 drops of 1-6 times in day), 0,02 % a solution фосфакола, 0,005 % a solution армина (on 1-2 drops 2 times day are not $more often), etc. Inside appoint днакарб (фонурит) on 0,125-0,25 г 2-3 times day. Apply various vitamins (В1, B2, B6, В12, With, РР) and other means. Подробнее...
Washing конъюнктивальной cavities (washing of eyes) is designed not so much for introduction in a cavity of medicinal substances, how many on removal{distance} from it{her} separated, pollution, chemically active agents, that also is the important medical procedure. It is necessary to remember, that if in конъюнктивальном a bag there are firm particles they should be removed in the mechanical way. Especially it concerns substances which at washing can be dissolved and cause a burn (известь, particles калия permanganate, an acid, alkalis, etc.). These firm particles leave with the help of gauze balls, wadded tampons, and if necessary - a tweezers. Only after that it is possible to carry out{spend} washing конъюнктивального a bag which is carried out by different ways. Подробнее...