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послеоперационный катаракта детская

Фонофорез - introduction of medicinal substances with the help of ultrasound. For электро-and фонофореза use anti-inflammatory preparations, antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins, glucocorticoids. Подробнее...

At imposing a binocular bandage first two rounds of bandage are carried out{spent} the same as and at imposing монокулярной bandages, and the first round on a forehead fixes the top edges{territories} of both ватно-gauze linings. The third round is carried out{spent} from top to down наперекрест with the second, under an auricle of the opposite party{side}. Then the bandage is carried out{spent} on all three directions some more time while ватно-gauze linings completely will not be closed by him{it}. The unit needs to be fastened sideways or on a forehead. The bandage should not be hard. Not hard bandage allows to enter a finger between bandage and мочкой an ear, otherwise she{it} needs to be weakened. Подробнее...