противопоказания для хирургического лечения катаракты
Biogenic stimulators are offered to V.P.Filatovym. Apply to improvement of processes of healing and рассасывания, a metabolism in an eye. Appoint an extract of an aloe, ФиБС, стекловидное a body, торфот intramuscularly, hypodermically, парабульбарно. Подробнее...
КЕРАТИТ - an inflammation of a cornea of an eye. Basic attributes К.: a photophobia, слезотечение, блефароспазм, гиперемия конъюнктивальных and эписклеральных vessels, a roughness and истыканность surfaces of a cornea, infringement of its{her} sensitivity is frequent. The transparency of a cornea (and consequently, and visual acuity) is broken; in heavy cases develops ирит. There are following forms To is more often. Подробнее...