противопоказания к операции по удалению катаракты
Сульфанилвмиды appoint at bacterial конъюнктивите, блефарите, кератоконъюнктивите, увейте, caused sensitive to сульфаниламидам flora: Str. pyogenes; Str. pneumoniae; Haemophilus influenzae; Actinomyces; Chlamydia trachomatis; Toxoplasma gondii. As monotherapy сульфаниламиды recently are used seldom as to them in this case resistency (stability) quickly develops. In a combination to system application сульфаниламиды use at a trachoma and others хламидийных infections. Them appoint during 5-7 days, frequently in a combination with antibiotics. In eye practice widely use: сулъфацетамид (albucid, сульфацил-sodium) 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, 30 % of concentration. A solution dig in in конъюнктивальный a bag on 1-2 drops through 1-3 ч within day; 10 % a solution of сульфапиридазин-sodium on 7 % a solution of polyvinyl spirit, dig in on 1-2 drops 2 times day. At a trachoma сульфапиридазин in addition appoint inside on 1-2 г 1-2 times day within 7-10 days. Подробнее...
Physiotherapeutic methods borrow{occupy} one of the important places in treatment of patients with inflammatory, dystrophic diseases, and also at damages of eyes. In ophthalmology frequently apply электрофорез, ultrasound, their combination - фонофорез, currents УВЧ, a ultra-violet irradiation, диатермию, криотерапию. However at purpose{assignment} of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment it is necessary to remember contra-indications as the general{common} (malignant новообразования, hypertonic illness), and local character (fresh haemorrhages on Wednesdays of an eye, a sclerosis of vessels of an eye, purulent processes). Подробнее...