катаракта у будущей мамы
FAR-SIGHTEDNESS (гиперметропия) - one of kinds of a clinical refraction of the eye, described by that focus of parallel beams after their refraction in an eye lays behind of a retina (fig. 1). Д. meets at 50 % of adult people. Reasons Д.: weakness of the refracting device of an eye (рефракционная Д.), a short передне-back axis of an eye (axial Д.); at normal length of smallpoxes and refracting force - their disproportionate combination (combinational Д.). Подробнее...
Diagnosis Б. is put usually by the doctor - oculist on the basis of definition of visual acuity and other researches. Everything addressing for medical aid with complaints to deterioration of sight or bad sight afar, should be directed to the doctor - oculist. Подробнее...