Мануальная терапия
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терапия катаракт

Physiotherapeutic methods borrow{occupy} one of the important places in treatment of patients with inflammatory, dystrophic diseases, and also at damages of eyes. In ophthalmology frequently apply электрофорез, ultrasound, their combination - фонофорез, currents УВЧ, a ultra-violet irradiation, диатермию, криотерапию. However at purpose{assignment} of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment it is necessary to remember contra-indications as the general{common} (malignant новообразования, hypertonic illness), and local character (fresh haemorrhages on Wednesdays of an eye, a sclerosis of vessels of an eye, purulent processes). Подробнее...

Survey Г. begin for about a century. Then examine конъюнктиву Г., turning out top and a lower eyelid. At day time illumination it is possible to find out only the expressed changes of a cornea, the forward chamber, an iris of the eye and forward departments of a crystalline lens. More thin changes Г. can be defined{determined} in a dark room at research by a method so-called lateral, or focal, illumination. A desk lamp place to the left of the patient and a little ahead of him{it}. In the right hand take a strong collective lens and hold her{it} so that focus of collected beams was on G.Cherez's researched site other magnifier which hold in the left hand, examine G.Issledovanie of an eye bottom is carried out by the doctor - expert by means of a special eye mirror - офтальмоскопа. At inspection Г. definition of intraocular pressure (тонометрия) is made Подробнее...